what's new at Jeannie's WWW cornucopia


10/25: Added a FAQ page for Italy.
10/22: Added notes from my trip to Italy, complete with information for Florence, Rome, Milan, and tips for Italy in general


8/10: Spruced up my resume again. Hire me, please!
5/15: Finished an Adobe Acrobat version of my thesis. if you want a copy. It's about 8.4 MB.
4/30: Added a picture of me in Paris.
4/29: Now that I've been to Paris, I wrote up a Paris restaurant recommendation.
2/23: Added Traveling in Paris page.
2/9: Updated my resume. Kind of important now that I'm looking for a job.


11/4: Added a picture of the Halloween party I attended.
10/7: Added a picture of my brother's new puppy, Kuma.


I was so busy at work this year that I didn't make any major overhauls to the site. :(


8/22: This site moved to http://www.thelamp.com/.
6/26: After two years of inactivity in the Photos section, here are some updated pictures of my family.
6/16: Added some miscellaneous colored bullets I designed.
6/15: Finally, after almost a year of non-activity, I updated my résumé so that it would reflect reality.


5/16: My Web Awards Display Case started....
5/4: Site design make-over.
4/8: Progress report on my MA thesis
2/23: My Bronze Brain trophy for this site!
1/19: Search engine of this site implemented!
1/15: The Procrastinator's Creed, donated by Ben Wu and anonymous writer.
1/13: My thoughts about attending the 5-day conference of Society for Historical Archaeology in Corpus Christi, Texas, and Top 10 Things NOT To Do At An Archaeological Conference.


11/21: This site moved to www.wco.com, my new Internet Service Provider.
11/11: My thesis prospectus.... OK, I'll admit it's a bit dry, but that's the way it is in academia. At least you can get an idea of what I'll be spending the next 7 months of my life doing.
7/28: Updated my résumé. and why I'm studying historical archaeology.
5/27: Implemented self-made buttons and icons.
5/23: Wrote up this What's New page, added some pictures.
3/22: Jeannie's WWW Cornucopia was born!