Who is Jeannie???

Wow, someone actually wants to find out more about me. I'm very flattered. :) OK, here it goes.

Up until February 2001, I was a product manager at SportBrain, an Internet startup in the San Francisco Bay Area. That means I was the bridge between marketing, biz dev, and engineering. Whenever the marketing folks said, "Hey Jeannie, wouldn't it be cool if our website could do this?", provided it was a reasonable suggestion, I would translate that idea into features for the site, then make sure the engineers build it and get it develivered on schedule.

Well, since I've been laid off due to the ubiquitous downsizing phenomenon in the dotcom world, I've been

  • cleaning my room,
  • updating my resume,
  • catching up on movies I've missed,
  • reading The New Yorker,
  • AIMing my friends,
  • watching re-runs of "Law and Order," "Star Trek: Voyager," or anything on A&E and The History Channel,
  • hanging out with my friends, and
  • basically enjoying a nice break from the working world.

I'm a bookworm. Some of my favorite authors are Alexandre Dumas, Jane Austen, James Herriot, Jon Krakauer (Into Thin Air), Melissa Banks (The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing), John Galsworthy (The Forsyte Sata), Helen Fielding (Bridget Jones's Diary & Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason) to list but a few. Dilbert, Farley, and Calvin and Hobbes are up there in my funnies collection, and b&w photography is another hobby of mine, although I haven't done much of it lately. I also enjoy Hatha yoga quite a bit.

My current goals are to

  1. do all the things I've been meaning to do but didn't have time when I was working, like bringing stuff I no longer need to Good Will and donating used computer equipment to local schools,
  2. continue my quest for a meaningful job
  3. enjoy life in general

Pretty lofty goals, I know. It's lovely to be able to sleep in for a change, now that I don't have to wake up at a set hour every morning.

If I've managed to keep your attention this long, why not just sign my guest book and let me know you've been here? I promise to write back!